The two presentations of VALUTEO Values GmbH were filled to the last seats. The audience was very interested. The following question rounds were fully used. The guests were interested in the topic of direct investments in photovoltaics and especially about the so-called investment deduction amount (=IAB). The IAB enjoys special popularity in 2023, because many investors have to invest in a movable asset for tax reasons this year.

VALUTEO Group is specialized in dividing photovoltaic plants into affordable units. From the project planning of a PV plant at VALUTEO Project Engineering GmbH, to the construction at VALUTEO Values Gmbh, to the management of the plant at VALUTEO Performance Services GmbH, the complete value chain is represented.

We would also like to thank the team of, which we were allowed to accompany to the fair.

Further information and contact:

To the Valuteo website

Valuteo Group

Valuteo Values GmbH
Managing director Stefan Falk
Frankenstrasse 148
D-90461 Nuremberg

Phone: +49 (0) 911 / 9290 55 70
Fax: +49 (0) 911 / 9290 55 5


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